1. 序章


2. instanceof 演算子とは何ですか?

instanceof is a binary operator we use to test if an object is of a given type. The result of the operation is either true or false. It’s also known as a type comparison operator because it compares the instance with the type.

不明なオブジェクトをキャストする前に、instanceofチェックを常に使用する必要があります。 Doing this helps to avoid a ClassCastException at runtime.


(object) instanceof (type)

Now let’s see a basic example for the instanceof operator. First, we’ll create a class Round:

public class Round {
    // implementation details

Next, we’ll create a class Ring that extends Round:

public class Ring extends Round {
    // implementation details

instanceof を使用して、RingのインスタンスがRoundタイプであるかどうかを確認できます。

public void givenWhenInstanceIsCorrect_thenReturnTrue() {
    Ring ring = new Ring();
    Assert.assertTrue(ring instanceof Round);

3. インスタンスのオペレーターはどのように機能しますか?

instanceof演算子は、is-a関係の原則に基づいて動作します。 is-a関係の概念は、クラス継承またはインターフェースの実装に基づいています。

To demonstrate this, we’ll create a Shape interface:

public interface Shape {
    // implementation details

We’ll also create a class Circle, which implements the Shape interface and also extends the Round class:

public class Circle extends Round implements Shape {
    // implementation details


public void givenWhenObjectIsInstanceOfType_thenReturnTrue() {
    Circle circle = new Circle();
    Assert.assertTrue(circle instanceof Circle);


public void giveWhenInstanceIsOfSubtype_thenReturnTrue() {
    Circle circle = new Circle();
    Assert.assertTrue(circle instanceof Round);


public void givenWhenTypeIsInterface_thenReturnTrue() {
    Circle circle = new Circle();
    Assert.assertTrue(circle instanceof Shape);

The instanceof operator can’t be used if there’s no relationship between the object that’s being compared and the type it’s being compared with.

We’ll create a new class, Triangle, that implements Shape, but has no relationship with Circle:

public class Triangle implements Shape {
    // implementation details

Now if we use instanceof to check if a Circle is an instance of Triangle:

public void givenWhenComparingClassInDiffHierarchy_thenCompilationError() {
    Circle circle = new Circle();
    Assert.assertFalse(circle instanceof Triangle);

We’ll get a compilation error because there’s no relationship between the Circle and Triangle classes:

java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem:
  Incompatible conditional operand types Circle and Triangle

4. Using instanceof With the Object Type

Javaでは、すべてのクラスがObjectクラスから暗黙的に継承します。 したがって、instanceof演算子をObjectタイプで使用すると、常にtrueと評価されます。

public void givenWhenTypeIsOfObjectType_thenReturnTrue() {
    Thread thread = new Thread();
    Assert.assertTrue(thread instanceof Object);

5. オブジェクトがnullの場合に、instanceof演算子を使用する

If we use the instanceof operator on any object that’s null, it returns false. We also don’t need a null check when using an instanceof operator.

public void givenWhenInstanceValueIsNull_thenReturnFalse() {
    Circle circle = null;
    Assert.assertFalse(circle instanceof Round);

6. instanceofおよびGenerics

インスタンスのテストとキャストは、実行時に型情報を検査することに依存しています。 したがって、instanceofを消去されたジェネリック型と一緒に使用することはできません


public static <T> void sort(List<T> collection) {
    if (collection instanceof List<String>) {
        // sort strings differently
    // omitted


error: illegal generic type for instanceof
        if (collection instanceof List<String>) {

Technically speaking, we’re only allowed to use instanceof along with reified types in Java. A type is reified if its type information is present at runtime.


  • Primitive types, like int
  • Non-generic classes and interfaces, like String or Random
  • Generic types in which all types are unbounded wildcards, like Set> or Map, ?>
  • Raw types, like List or HashMap
  • Arrays of other reifiable types, like String[], List[], or Map, ?>[]


public static <T> boolean isOfType(Object input) {
    return input instanceof T; // won't compile


if (collection instanceof List<?>) {
    // do something

7. 結論

In this brief article, we learned about the instanceof operator and how to use it. 完全なコードサンプルは、GitHubから入手できます。